About The Seminar: 


Eight quick 45 minute sessions of dynamic teaching material. It will never be boring!


Your congregation helped into Christian maturity.


Your staff and leaders and key Christians trained in the entire Spiritual Continuum and permission to freely teach it throughout your church or denomination.


The Spiritual Continuum will change the whole way that your church does discipleship!




There are three possible approaches to the cost of the seminar:


1.  Flat Rate: $500.00 + travel expenses to John Edmiston, the church keeps the rest and can charge anything it wishes to the participants. A love offering is also appreciated but is not compulsory,


2. Love Offering Only: for churches in Southern California that I can drive to. Participants are not charged and John Edmiston gets the love offering.


3.  Per Capita:   $40.00 per head.  John Edmiston prints out the manuals and covers materials expenses and receives the conference fees. The church covers coffee etc.




The eight sessions can be done in one day, or spread over say a Friday night and Saturday. They are generally combined into two sessions in 90 minutes with a short break afterward, then another two sessions and so on.






The Spiritual Continuum is (c) copyright Cybermissions 2017, and the author is John Edmiston,  The Spiritual Continuum

may be freely used for non-profit Christian ministry purposes but may not be sold in any way. For permission to translate or to use extensively you may

email John Edmiston at:  johned@cybermissions.org with a clear request.